My Fab 5’s for Staying on Top in a Tough Economy


My Fab 5’s for Staying on Top in a Tough Economy

In this economy (which is getting better, by the way) I am thrilled to say that I just got a cash offer on a house that is not a foreclosure. PLUS, the buyer wants to close in 2 weeks! What?? I had almost forgotten the days of good oloopl’ quick deals. I am reminiscing of days past when our economy was a big hustle and bustle to buy. I needed this little refresher. I love memories. It reminds me that today, all the hard work it takes for each deal, is just as good as the old days. I am being trained to be better in my job during this tough time. Naturally, the bad agents are being weeded out in the process.

I am grateful that I can morph, learn, change, and grow with these times. I feel I am becoming a better Realtor. I know that I am educated more now just by hanging in during this ride of our real estate crisis. I hope that you, too, are hanging in there. I hope you are getting offers like this one to give you a smile. I say, Merry Christmas to me. I know this isn’t a philosophical blog. I’m not educating you with any pertinent information about the economy. I just hope that by reading what is happening here in little ol’ backwards Alabama, you get hope. Hope that things are good. Hope that the economy is picking up.

I can tell you what I have done to have 3 homes closing in the next 2 weeks. Prayed! lol. No, seriously..this is what I think may have helped me to keep getting buyers and sellers in this market.

1. Stayed motivated, despite what the reports were saying. No negative talk here.

2. Stayed out there. I did cut back somewhat on my marketing but I maintained my presence in the most important marketing avenues that worked for my area.

3. Stayed dedicated to working every day at the office (or where ever works best for you) by showing up each day whether I had work to do or not.

4. Stayed involved in community service. Although the funds I had before were not as plentiful, I still give of my time regularly so that people see me out giving back. That has left an impression, hopefully, that I am still doing well and still selling real estate.

5. Stayed educated. I have learned to grow with the changing economy. Taken an extra CE class, attended an online webinar, researched SEO and other computer related info, learned ahopenew Virtual Tour program that was more efficient, joined new social networks, etc.

I hope maybe this list helps you to determine what you are doing that is working. And, for me, I got rid of the extras that weren’t working. We can make it in this market and we can grow to be better agents.

Don’t lose faith. Stay focused. Full steam ahead. We will be the cream that rises to the top in the end. I will see you there!

Nicole Anderson, Lake Expert